Tuesday 19 March 2013


Assalamualaikum semua,

Pada 14 MAC 2013, KHAMIS, Bersamaan 2 Jamadil Awal 1434, Pengetua Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Kuala Lumpur telah menjemput kami ke sekolah untuk sesi taklimat kepada pelajar SPM 2013.

Pelajar mula memasuki dewan pada jam 3.15pm. Mereka adalah pelajar yang sangat berdisiplin dan menepati masa. ^_^ . Pengarah telah memulakan sesi taklimat pada jam 3.30pm.
Alhamdulillah, sambutan sangat menggalakkan. Banyak persoalan dari para pelajar dapat dijawab dengan baik. Sedikit sebanyak para pelajar tahu hala tuju mereka selepas SPM.

Tidak lupa juga para pelajar lepasan SPM yang telah menghubungi kami untuk mendapatkan maklumat tentang pengajian di luar negara. Terima kasih banyak-banyak kerana sudi berhubung dengan kami untuk bertanyakan tentang hala tuju masa depan anda.

Jangan lupa untuk mendaftar secara online melalui website kami www.qas.com.my
atau hubungi kami secara percuma untuk sebarang pertanyaan 1-800-888-727

Terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada Pengarah dan Pengetua yang sama-sama berganding bahu demi masa depan para pelajar.


Wednesday 13 March 2013


 “…I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice…”
Ikrar Hippocratic

Petikan di atas adalah sebahagian daripada ikrar yang menjadi pegangan etika terpenting untuk seorang pengamal perubatan moden. Ikrar ini dipercayai telah ditulis lebih lima dekad sebelum masihi sama ada oleh Hippocrates sendiri atau salah seorang anak muridnya.
Hari ini, dunia perubatan moden menyaksikan setiap individu yang ingin memulakan karier mereka sebagai pengamal perubatan perlulah sekurangnya membaca ikrar ini sekali dan memahami intipatinya dengan jelas.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Pre-Medical Course 2013

Assalamualaikum semua!

Alhamdulillah kami panjatkan syukur kepada Allah kerana mengurniakan kita semua peluang sekali lagi untuk bernafas dan bekerja mencari rezeki ke jalan Allah. ^_^

Berita baik lagi pagi ini. ^_^
Pihak UiTM Fakulti Perubatan telah pun memberi respon yang positif dan InsyaAllah Program Persediaan Pre-Medikal akan dijalankan di

Fakulti Perubatan UiTM Sg. Buloh 
selama 8 minggu bermula pada 1 Julai sehingga 24 Ogos 2013. 

Kursus Persediaan ini bertujuan untuk mendedahkan para pelajar kepada :-

  • Subjek Tahun Pertama seperti Anatomi, Fisiologi, Histologi dan Biokimia.
  • Peluang untuk mendalami dan membangunkan cara-cara pembelajaran yang berkesan.
  • Mempelajari kehidupan di kampus, rutin belajar yang baik,  komunikasi yang berkesan.
  • Motivasikan diri dan membina sahsiah dan keyakinan diri untuk membentuk diri menjadi modal insan yang berguna.
  • Kerja dan rutin di hospital bersama-sama doktor dan pensyarah yang bertauliah.
  • Lawatan ke hospital.

Kursus persediaan ini terbuka kepada :-
  • Sesiapa sahaja yang berminat untuk melanjutkan pengajian perubatan di luar negara.
  • Pelajar Lepasan SPM
  • Pelajar Lepasan Matrikulasi
  • Pelajar yang ingin melanjutkan pengajian dalam bidang perubatan tetapi masih lagi tidak tahu samada dalam bidang perubatan, pergigian atau farmasi.
  • Pelajar dari mana-mana agensi.

Sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi toll free 
Kami sedia melayan anda ^_^

Monday 11 March 2013

Why I Want To Be A Doctor?

There are many reasons to become a doctor, and each year thousands of people enter medicalschool, despite the long years of education and the gruelling working hours facing them. Share your reasons for considering medicine as a career

I want to be an orthopedic surgeon~
Good pay and a steady job. There's always going to be jobs ready in the medical field and travel should be minimal. 12-14 years of school is a drawback but I'll make it.
—Guest Josh

No shame no pain!
I always thought of begin a business major or a economics major, making a lot of money. You know sitting in a big corporate office looking high and mighty sitting at the front. Then I took a second look at that fantasy. who was I kidding, the only reason why I wanted to be in business is because I thought there was money to gain, and I could show off to people who use to downgrade me. As I looked past those hurt feelings and bad memories. I started realizing that I wasn't doing anything good for the people around me. Only blinding myself with arrogance and stupidity. So I started looking for different careers that allowed me to become a helping hand to the people around me, instead of a stuck up person who would turn their back own my people. Something that gave me a since of accomplishment and thoughtlessness. Something that made me smile when I saw the results I wanted and cry when they weren't. Something that gave me discipline that I need. Then I found it... DOCTOR
—Guest The one who strives

To Help Save the Poor...!
I would love to be a heart surgeon. This passion developed when one of my classmates died of cardiac complications and there was no surgeon in Cameroon, so they had to take her to Barcelona for the surgery and she died. I will one day be a surgeon and save my people's lives.
—Guest alombah

I'm 15 years old, going on 16, and have contemplated a career as a doctor for more than a few years now. Now to address the question, I want to become a doctor because I feel it will help me to transcend whatever it is humanity is becoming, to become evidence not only to myself and perhaps to others that humanity can still have meaning. To be honest there are so many aspects of society that I have become to hate. The rarity I admire still manages to quench the flame the others spark. If one of these fire bugs were on the operating table and I was the one with the scalpel- I would save them without hesitation, or at least try with every ounce of me till the flat line lullaby plays her farewell. I can't explain why this statement seems so true to me, so I'll explain it with a deterministic approach; it's just part of who I was meant to be (or wanted to be in this moment) since the origin of the universe.
—Guest Denzel

This seems to be a rare response..
I'm interested in the science. There you go. This is the number one reason I'd like to become a doctor - I am fascinated by the techniques science lets us apply in order to save lives or make the last days or years on this earth more bearable. Sure, helping people is great too, and I'm all for being a hero, but my interest in the medical science is the main reason. I hope that's not wrong.
—Guest Kate

Why i want to be a doctor...?
I want to be a doctor because sometimes when I see the way some doctors attend to a dying patient, first, they will ask for money before treating the person. When the person is not having the amount they request they will not treat them. It's bad. People die every day in the hands of doctors, nurses. For instance, I was ill so i went to a nearby hospital to check what was going on in my stomach, I was rolling on the floor but no one could attend to me I had to wait to get a card first while dying. I fell asleep & woke up feeling better so they requested for money. I was so bitter, so i want to be a good & special doctor, best in the whole world to save those who are not capable to afford money for their treatment.
—Guest sunshine

I want to be extraordinary..!
Ever hear about that person who saved a person's life? Or maybe the  time someone was in a dire medical situation where everyone was calling out "is anyone a doctor?" I want to be the person that answers "I am!" and save that person. Though I know this kind of situation is unlikely, I still want to be extraordinary. I have always been fascinated by all the different diseases and how they affect the body. I have also been intrigued by the complexity of all the different functions and how they come together. Though I know it may be hard, I plan on becoming a neurosurgeon. The job is tough but the human brain is the most fascinating thing about people! it's so complex and it allows us to do so much. It stores all of our memories, our imagination, and so much more. I hope to learn more about it. I also hope to become the best in my field. I have high ambitions so wish me luck!
—Guest Lindsey

A calling...~
For years I have pondered what I want to do in life. I have thought about every possible career that came to mind. Out of all of them, doctor stands out the most. Remember your middle school health class that nobody paid attention to? Well, I was the exception. Every time somebody has some sort of body problem, I'm always trying to figure out what it is. Everytime I hear something that has to do with the human body, I search it up on the internet. I didn't realize that I was into medicine untill I started realizing that I search up medical terms more than anything else (and I search up everything) I am the kind of person who likes knowing more about something and does not like not knowing about something. If I hear about something new, I have to research it and understand it in detail. Though I'm only 14 years old, I already have my heart set.
—Guest Naomi

Why I want to be a doctor...
I'm pretty smart, not like I write three pages on an essay that only has to be one, but like I get straight A's without even trying. For years, I had no idea what I wanted to do. Then, my uncle died; he had cancer. To top it off, just a month later, my Aunt Jackie died. Guess who? That's right, cancer. I always knew cancer was bad, but I never really worried about it because hey, I was only fifteen and it can't affect me. But it did and I want to help. I want to go to college and then on to med school. I'm going to get my degree and start helping.
—Guest Andy

Just a suggestion..
If you are interested if helping people, why don't you become a nurse? This is a question you will be asked at med school interviews...
—Guest Guest A

Rediscovering my passion
I first considered being a doctor as a career when my grandfather died of bowel cancer when I was 9. A few years later watching the doctor’s work to save my grandmother from lung cancer reinforced my desire to be a doctor. When I entered high school I was always smart but never at the top of my class. I missed out on direct entry to medicine (Australia) and studied the health sciences. I spent the next 2 years ignoring my desire to be a doctor, something that had previously defined me. In the final year of my degree I looked at what I had majored in and what had attracted me to it. I was a major in physiology but I had a good grounding in genetics, biochemistry, microbiology and pathology. I realised at that point that I was fascinated by the human body as a whole, not its discrete parts. The normal but most importantly the abnormal and what could be done to fix it was where my passion lay. I tried for Med again and succeeded.
—Guest Millen

The best thing ever..!
All my life, I've always had this 'attraction' towards medicine. My dad's a surgeon and that plays a big part. He's an amazing person and the fact that he's a surgeon makes him partly 'amazing'. So many hours of labours work, stress, fatigue etc. all for the cause of saving lives. What a beautiful job. It may sound crazy but what better than saving lives; lives which were brought into Earth by God? I'm normally not very outwardly emotional but when it comes to sicknesses and health problems, it upsets me. Why is it fair that people have to suffer when we're fine? Why is it that I can't do anything to save their life? The day I save someone's life is the day I will be satisfied. It's not fair. Why should I be healthy and just 'lives life'? I've decided that medicine is for me and there's nothing that can catch my eyes. I know it's a stressful job but it's so worth it and I can't think of anything better to do with my life than to save others'.
—Guest DeepsB

My doctor dream :)
What can I say? My dad's a doctor and as I grew up, watching him come home from work, talking about his day and the awesome surgeries he did just inspired me! I so want to do what he does one day. Not only because it's inspiring but because doctors have something that many other's don't; the knowledge, commitment and heart to save lives. What an amazing thing the human body is! It only makes sense that there should be someone to heal the body, right?? I'd so love to make a difference to lives one day and I get so excited when I see blood or something guy! It's not gross! It's amazing! I can't wait until that day next year when we dissect a heart, etc. Anyway, my main aim is to save lives and make people happy. What could be better? I really couldn't imagine anything else I'd want to do in life. I've considered architecture but the fact that lives can't be saved keeps staring me in the face. I've decided that that's what important to me.
—Guest Degirl08

I want to help Others... :D
I'm only 13 but I've always wanted to help people and save lives ... I want to be one of the best doctors in my country.
—Guest Brenda

Website QAS

Assalamualaikum semua...

Untuk pengetahuan anda semua, website syarikat kena hacked. Jadi, sebarang orang-perseorangan yang menggunakan nama syarikat kami untuk menghantar pelajar ke luar negara tidak perlu dilayan.

Laporan polis telah dibuat dan kami telah mengenalpasti dalang disebalik perbuatan tidak bertanggungjawab ini. Semoga beliau dibukakan pintu hati untuk bertaubat.

Kami sekarang sedang  cuba sedaya upaya untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang datang dari pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab ini. Doakan semuanya berjalan dengan lancar InsyaAllah.

Sebarang pertanyaan mengenai peluang pengajian ke luar negara, boleh terus berhubung dengan kami ditalian 1-800-888-727 atau emailkan ke askme@qas.com.my

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Persediaan ke Mesir dan Indonesia

Assalamualaikum semua.

Diharap semua berada dalam keadaan sihat walafiat. Jaga kesihatan ye.

Ok harini ramai juga adik2 dan ibubapa call direct line saya untuk bertanyakan tentang persediaan sebelum ke luar negara. Tak kiralah Mesir mahupun Indonesia. Terima kasih kerana sudi bertanya.

Persediaan sebelum ke luar negara amat penting bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan diri pelajar tersebut dengan ilmu-ilmu sebelum ke sesebuah negara. Tak kira ilmu itu ilmu bahasa mahupun subjek yang akan dipelajari di sana. Tidak lupa juga ilmu budaya bagi sesebuah negara tersebut.

Bahasa memainkan peranan yang amat penting dalam kehidupan seharian. Tanpa bahasa, agak sukar untuk kita berkomunikasi dengan orang lain. Bahasa juga melambangkan bangsa. 

Untuk ke Indonesia, tak perlu mengambil kursus bahasa kerana bahasa malaysia dan bahasa indonesia lebih kurang sama. Jangan risau untuk berkomunikasi di Indonesia. Tonton saja Sinetron di televisyen untuk memahirkan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia ^_^

Untuk ke Mesir, perlu untuk mengikuti bahasa Arab tapi tak diwajibkan untuk mengambil subjek Bahasa Arab Tinggi di sekolah. Siapa yang ada Bahasa Arab Tinggi di sekolah adalah satu bonus bagi mereka. Pelajar boleh mengikuti kursus bahasa arab yang disediakan selama 2 hingga 3 bulan. Memang takkan fasih lagi tetapi pelajar akan tahu basic arab. Bagi yang tak pernah belajar bahasa arab, jangan risau sangat. Bila ikut kursus bahasa nanti, anda dah tahu basic dan selalu praktikkan di Mesir nanti. InsyaAllah tahun ke 2 dan seterusnya dah fasih. Sentiasa bawa kamus di mana-mana ^_^

Mesir -Subjek tahun pertama seperti Histology, Physiology, Biochemsitry dan lain-lain lagi      adalah penting untuk para pelajar tahu serba sedikit atau basic mengenai sesuatu subjek itu (bagi lepasan SPM). Bila pelajar ada ilmu pengetahuan mengenai subjek tahun pertama, takkan ada isu culture shock @ subject shock lagi hehehe... 

Kursus 2 hingga 3 bulan yang diadakan sangat bermanfaat kerana ada praktikal di hospital sebenar dan pensyarah pula adalah doktor di Fakulti Perubatan.

Tahun ini pula, kursus persediaan Pra-Medik akan diadakan di Fakulti Perubatan UiTM.
Alhamdulillah, penat lelah berjumpa dan menunggu dekan untuk memberi kata putus akhirnya mebuahkan hasil apabila mereka bersetuju untuk menganjurkan kursus ini bagi kemudahan para pelajar di masa akan datang. "Sabar itu separuh daripada Iman" ^_^

Indonesia -Untuk ke Indonesia, tak perlu mengikuti kursus Pra-Medik kerana pada bulan Jun dan Julai,pelajar yang akan melanjutkan pengajian ke Indonesia akan mengikuti Peperiksaan Kemasukan.

Setiap negara mempunyai budaya yang berlainan. Walaupun negara Islam, mereka tetap mengamalkan budaya nenek moyang mereka. Sebelum ke sesebuah negara, adalah wajar para pelajar mempelajari budaya mereka di sana. Ini bukan bertujuan untuk mengikuti budaya tersebut tetapi untuk lebih mengenali penduduk dan keadaan di sana. 

Banyak lagi perkara yang perlu diketahui oleh pelajar sebelum ke luar negara.

Nak tahu lebih lanjut? 
Suruh saja saya call atau email anda... ^_^
Di sini, saya kongsi sedikit gambar Pra-Medikal ^_^


Pelajar yang pernah mengikuti kursus di USM, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan.

Fatin, Dayah dan Ed antara pelajar perempuan yang cemerlang 

Kerja berkumpulan. Terbaik!

Praktikal di hospital sebenar

Sebahagian dari pelajar cemerlang

Public Services

Tunggu post seterusnya ye ^_^

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Pengiktirafan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi

Assalamualaikum semua...

Harini ada beberapa coretan sedikit untuk dikongsi bersama.

Mungkin anda semua sudah tahu bahawa bidang perubatan merupakan bidang professional yang menjadi impian dan diminati oleh ramai pelajar. Selain dari memikul tanggungjawab yang berat, kerjaya seorang Doktor adalah mencabar dan mulia serta dihormati dalam masyarakat.

Bagi pelajar lepasan SPM (Sains Tulen) berpeluang melanjutkan pengajian ke Mesir dalam bidang perubatan hanya dengan keputusan B dalam 8 matapelajaran.

Mesir adalah satu-satunya negara yang menerima keputusan SPM sebagai syarat kemasukan ke Pengajian Perubatan melalui Perjanjian Persefahaman (MoU) diantara kedua-dua negara.

Perubatan di Mesir adalah tidak asing lagi dikalangan para pelajar di Malaysia. Umum tahu bahawa terdapat lebih 10 agensi yang menghantar pelajar melanjutkan pengjian ke Mesir.

Namun, para pelajar dan ibubapa haruslah memilih agensi yang berdaftar dibawah Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia dan menawarkan kursus di universiti-universiti yang diiktiraf oleh MMC dan badan-badan berkaitan. 

Terima Kasih